2019年1月14日 星期一

各位, 會唔會返大6租車去玩?

哈哈哈, 等我下次回港, 睇下班係香港的舊同學, 會否有這個念頭先, 聽說我班朋友中, 有人試過係大陸租車去玩咖.

PS: 又唔知道, 我攞國際車牌回大6, 可唔可以租車呢? 不過, 真係好驚有碰瓷發生.....

4 則留言:

  1. 大陸租車揸我坐過,係堂弟借的,仍係內地人,好似都幾方便.

  2. 國際車牌 cannot drive in China, asked my mainland brothers while i was there. of course someone rent for you off da record; well, future economic downturn may force them to open doors but who knows.

    1. Well, for sure, I am not going to play around the rules, better abide with it lol. will see in the future whether they will loosen the regulations.
