2023年2月13日 星期一

自稱港燦, 而不是港燦.

有時我係加記遇上一D自稱係港燦的人, 真係唔知佢係咪講真咖! 

老實講, 一講上十分鐘, 佢就露左底和面了. 例如:

1. 我叫佢65歲後留係加記, 加記無論老人福利/醫療/養老, 都一定好過上邊和突區財力最好果陣時, 除非佢係上邊係好高級, 佢係上邊果D老人福利/醫療/養老, 才會好過加記.

2. 佢竟然話突區D公立醫療好過加記, 哈, 佢真係好攪笑, 無錯的, 突區私營醫療係好好野咖, 加記D全民醫療一定無咁好, 不過, 一到突區公營醫療, 真係等好鬼耐.....以大腸內窺鏡咁, 這裡快好多! 總之係這邊年年去檢查身體, 一早查出來, 大多有足夠時間去排隊來醫了. 

3. 當我同佢講, 上邊有動員法, 由18-60歲都要入後備役當兵, 佢竟然氣直理壯話正常, 哈哈哈...... 當我同佢講突區現在同上邊無分別了, 佢就答, 上邊好多人, 意思係講, 唔會輪到佢. 佢一定以為有個爛鬼突區身份證, 就會同佢上邊D親友唔同. 

綜合來講, 佢應該係上邊落來突區果D人, 但對突區認識唔深, 因為佢有左身份證後, 大多時間都係上邊生活, 來到加記後, 也沒有過著普遍一個加燦的生活, 所以, 佢心中只有上邊最好, 退休都要返去上邊.

2 則留言:

  1. You don't have to worry about them, they have been brain washed by the CCP since they were in their childhood stage, blind faith is they best word to describe them. Let them think of what they believe are right, we don't have the responsibility to teach them how to live. In this world less one & more one of these type of people does not have any impact. Take care of ourselves is the only concern.

    1. Sorry for my late reply as I just saw your comment, sure, let them be. I just explain how I can tell apart who is the real HK'ers.
